Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Application pack: Cover Letter, Proposal, Artists Statement and CV

Contents of Application Pack for ‘Wirksworth Festival - Lodge Project’:

1.     Cover Letter 

2.     Proposal 

3.     Artists Statement 

4.     CV 

5.     10 artworks

The Maltings (Formerly The Parish Room),

Church Walk,



DE4 4DP.

Dear Carol Taylor,

I have been once to Wirksworth in the Derbyshire Dales briefly before, but I haven’t explored the area thoroughly, so I am curious to explore it some more. As a soon-to-be graduate artist from Staffordshire University, I would like to have a residency to start after I graduate, and when reading about the opportunity to explore a new area, my first thought was to physically walk the area, which is my favourite part about my methods in the research of my projects. To create an exhibition from this would be amazing. What will be included in this application pack is a proposal for the project, my CV, my artist’s statement, ten pages of images of my chosen artworks and my website. 

When it comes to exploring new locations, I always start with the method of walking the trails, while taking photographs with my camera to view later when I’m working in a studio. I may also work outdoors in the area producing art with materials I find there, leading to site-specific artworks. I communicate with the public of who has more experience in this area than I, to find out more information. Also, I learn and use the history of a location in my works sometimes. I then use the photographs I’ve taken and any other public info to influence my research and possible outcomes of my artworks for an exhibition. Because I’m currently working with memory in my practice, it would be interesting for me to think back to that one time before and what sights I might recall when I see it.

As a fine artist studying at Staffordshire, I have the skills of producing artworks in many mediums like drawing, painting, ceramics, photography (editing through photoshop), printmaking, installation, canvas making, found and natural objects. So, my use of mediums is flexible and a widened range. I also have organisation, researching, exhibition planning, communication, problem-solving and IT computer skills as an artist.

I look forward to meeting the community of the festival upon my suitability for the opportunity.      Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Best regards, Rebecca Shaker.

This residency will allow me to explore a new area which is what I love doing as a starting point in my studio practice. I walk the area while taking pictures, doing quick sketches and finding out information about the history of the area. Depending on what I find, I’m considering producing site-specific works that could be made as well as the artworks I create in studio work. There will be a rich variety of ideas leading to artworks that will be made from this starting point.

I am visualising in creating an art exhibition from an outsider’s point of view who thoroughly explored Wirksworth, as a public event. If I still have time to organise it, replicates of these artworks could be sold in a sale, unless someone makes me an offer for the original artworks, after the exhibition ends. The artworks outcomes will depend on my exploration of Wirksworth. Because I’m not sure of what I will find I like the idea of working with improvisation and chance as well. I hope these artworks will encourage the audience to explore new areas around them.

As a fine artist, I can produce a wide variety of mediums in art, such as paintings, drawings, (edited) photographs, sculptures of natural materials (depends on what I find) or installations, etc. If there are any other artists in this project, and depending on their practise and ideas, I would be happy to collaborate with them.

I will take part in as many of activities as possible to gain as much research for my produced works. For example, walking the trails while taking photographs myself; using the land materials for artworks if I get permission; communicating with the public and taking part in available public activities I find in the community. For example, the Art & Architecture Trail weekend. I’ll also be learning the history of the area and looking for artefacts while walking the trails, such as limestone quarrying. This, in turn, relates to my exploration of how time changes landscapes and memories in my studio practice. I will be working in a studio space when producing artworks or out in the countryside.

The residency will take place from July to September 2019. The festival will take place from 6th to 22nd September 2019, so the exhibition will be during that time. I might come to Wirksworth sooner than July only in visitation for a day or 2, because I prefer to have all the time I can get, to produce artworks, make and change my decisions in planning, in being prepared.

At this stage and judging on my studio practice, I think paintings and drawings will be my outcome for the exhibition but as a fine artist who is a stranger to this area, the investigation and research will lead to a more conclusive idea about what will be produced. The work itself may contribute to preserving the industrial history of Wirksworth.

I will most likely need an indoor gallery space and plenty of wall space for my 2D artworks. I still have yet to see the venues, but I think it will be in the Maltings and St Mary’s Church venues. The £3000 fee I will receive should be enough for funding. With this, I will pay for: paints, paper, MDF boards and any art materials I will need. If there are any other artists applying, I would be happy to work with them working towards a duo exhibition. I usually bring my own equipment in producing artworks. If you have any computing or printing equipment, that would be very helpful. I will need white and cartilage paper, canvas, acrylic/oil paint, which I will buy from the nearest art shop or online. If I were to fundraise, I would do cake sales and ask the volunteers of the Wirksworth festival to help at their events.

If I work with panels and canvas’s, there may be risks in using drills and nails putting the artworks up, in the gallery space. Apart from that, there are no risks. If I use photographs of the public, I will use permission slips. Until I see the venues of the festival, I will not be able to predict where I will be displaying them. Most likely in the Maltings or the town hall.

Artist’s Statement (2018)

My practice currently explores how time changes memory, using my own personal memories as a starting point and example. I’m also exploring the space between memory and photography because photography records a high level of detail while memory is economical, but you might remember enough to recognise something. The outcomes of the work are often paintings on paper or canvas, or drawings that come from photography. The other mediums I also use are: video, edited photography, found objects, cheap objects, mixed media, installation.

I always start with photography as my research source, taken during my walks or travels. I change these photographs to other mediums to develop towards final outcomes, because that is how I make the events/memories of these photographs more ‘human’ and no longer ‘digital’. This is because today, a photograph takes only a few seconds to take, that lasts forever, whereas mediums like paintings or drawings take longer to complete, therefore I’m spending more time in remembering the moment/event of when this photo was taken. It also is an interpretation of how memories shown in these photographs change through time. The change from photograph to another medium gives me the opportunity to manipulate the outcome of them. Also, by travelling and taking photographs, I’m exploring 2 different perspectives; through a camera’s lens and the 360 degrees understanding of lived experience.

I have a desire to record and document my travels. I use those photographs as a recall of memories. I come back to these memories to express connections and narratives like a visual diary. 


Rebecca Georgette Shaker


2016 - present, Staffordshire University, BA (Hons) Fine Art, Stoke-on-Trent

2015-2016, Sheffield College, Foundation diploma, Art and Design – Merit, Sheffield

2014-2016, Bilborough College, A-Levels – Art and Design - D, Dance - C, Drama and Theatre Studies – D, Extended Project – D, AS level – Media Studies – D, Nottingham


‘Equivocal’ - End of Level 5 Exhibition Degree Show – As part of a group exhibition, I produced an installation of a fabricated and temporal studio space which shows the experiments and artworks of a project of me exploring and documenting the changes of Hanley Park through time. You see the behind-the-scenes of this project – May 2018, Stoke-on-Trent, Hanley City Centre, Airspace Gallery

‘Phoenix’ In a residency placement in Hanley Park, I produced a solo exhibition of my artworks in documenting the changes the park was going through in its restoration combined with my own studio practice – March 2018, Stoke-on-Trent, Hanley Park

‘End of Level 4 Exhibition Degree Show’ - I did a collage of what I pictured Greece to be since I’ve never been there before, using found google images. It was frozen in the process of being 100% complete – June 2017, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire University Campus

‘Samara’ - A group of 4 artists doing their individualism in the themes of the stages: Birth, Life, Death and Reincarnation. Mine was life in a collection of found objects describing a fictional person’s life - March 2017, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire University Campus, Cadman Building

Sheffield College, ‘End of Foundation Year’ - At the end of the foundation year at college we selected our theme; mine had been Greek mythology and found objects and symbolism of these myths. The exhibition was carried out in a public space with audience participation - June 2016, Gage Gallery, Kelham Island, Sheffield


As a fine artist at uni, I’ve had experience in painting, drawing, Photoshop, ceramics, wood work, plastic work, canvas making, photography, surface pattern and film. I have research, organisation, problem solving, and teamwork skills in creating an exhibition. I am always currently developing my own artistic practice. Currently, I am focusing on my personal memories of travels in photography and how time changes them.

Voluntary work

August 2014 – National Citizen Service, Nottingham - assisting at Nursing Home

2nd November 2017 – 4th November 2017 – British Ceramics Biennial, China Hall – exhibition assistant

June 2017 – Sheffield Care Fertility, admins office - organising folders and helping where I can

25-29th June 2013 - Bulwell Crabtree Primary School - Teaching assistant work experience


Leaflet distributor – Nottingham Building Society, October 2011

References on request

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